Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Children of Homestead have won!

CS-USA Wins Lease

by Elgin Jones 03/05/10

HOMESTEAD CHARTER HIGH SCHOOL Charter Schools USA Inc. is seeking to build a charter high school on city-owned land in Homestead. Councilman Jimmie L. Williams is against the idea, but Councilwoman Judy Waldman supports it. Residents such as retired educator Jim Tranthem oppose it.

The proposed, privately owned school would be built at the Homestead Sports Complex site, which would be leased to the company for $1 over several decades.

It will enroll 1,800 students from around Miami-Dade County, and Tranthem says other locations are more suitable. Williams says it is a bad deal, and that the city would get nothing in return.

Supporters insist that it will bring quality education to the city, and ease overcrowding. City Council members will make the final decision, but the issue has been tabled several times. Yet, this fight is heating up. The end.

Very predictable, Shelley recuses himself and Williams leaves early so his promised NO vote is not on the record. Can't upset the supporters and vote on principle, that's not what he was elected to do. The Wizard of Oz Lion has more courage than this group. Had Williams stuck around to vote and made a statement that he is not going to be ignored, it would have failed. Just another empty suit. Whatever Elgin...

The girl next door said: 03/09/10

     Patrisha McCornmick, aka "China doll" made an appearance at the meeting, She was the last to speak during public comments. Ms. McCormick stated that she was a proud product of Homestead High and bragged about all her accomplishments paid for one lap dance at a time. She failed to mention that she was a former stripper at the Pink Palace. She also failed to mention how she and Jenna Bell threatened to attack one of the Keys gate parents in front of her child the evening of the KGCS debate.
Jim Tranthem as usual was being a puppet for Steve Losner. Jim was given a two paged typed letter by Steve of what to say, prior to the meeting comming to order. Steve was way too much of a chicken to do it himself.
You would think that Losner would support the very school that educates his own children. Ironic, Hu?

     One of the Keys Gate parents stated that "if you refused to allow the charter high school to be built, you might as well take that ballpark and build a prison, because your going to need it" That I agree with.

     Mr. Shelley's wife is on the Keys Gate Charter board, it was a conflict of interest, he had to recuse himself.

Jimmy had bible study.  It is Jimmy's right to vote no. You can't fault him for trying to save this city from what he believes to be a financial hardship. I thought Jimmy was on board with the idea, seeing that a good portion of the children in his district go to keys gate. The sw kids are 9 times more likely to drop out of school. They need ever bit of an advantage that we can give them.

     I believe that because of this high school, the city of Homestead will bounce back. Famlies will buy the realestate, property taxes will start being paid. Businesses will flourish.
I thank you Homestead City council. You did an excellent thing today. Bravo!!!


PTSO MOM said...

I see Kevin didn't say a word. I suppose Jim was Losner's puppet for the evening. That man(Losner)is a snake. He can't speak for himself, So he gets others to do it for him.

I guess you could say that it would make him look like the hypocrite is most definitely is.

Livin' in Paradise said...

This will be great for the community. There will be 50 professional teaching and admin jobs comming into the area, and property values will go up.
Famlies can start looking for homes here in Homestead instead of commuting from Kendall.
Local companys get the work, and local people get the jobs.

And best of all,

Thank you Mayor Bateman and Council, we needed this!

Anonymous said...

Looser was the worst Vice Mayor we ever had. He was involved in the crooked CRA dealings. He and Lynda Bell

Anonymous said...

Jim is not a very good educator if he was against this school. Sounds to me that he has been brainwashed by Losner and Bell. Aawww, the good ol' Boy network lives on!

Anonymous said...

wow, did you hear the daggers comming from China Doll as she boasted about being an alumnus of a "D" rated school. ( at the time of her graduation it was an "F")
While she was a student there she was involved in a lot of girl on girl violence. She would assume to beat a girl up just to prove a point.
How she became a teacher, I will never know. Patricia McCormick is out of control.

Anonymous said...

Get this: China doll (Patricia McCormick) is running for public office. God help us all if she gets elected. NOT!!!!
We can be assured of one thing when and IF she takes office, is that she will be even more of an "out of control maniac" than Bell ever was.

Anonymous said...

That Mom should have filed charges against Patrica. If anyone did that to me in front of my child They would be in jail right now.