Thursday, March 4, 2010

All Key's Gate Delegates approve of CS-USA!!!

From: "William Thibault"
Date: Thu, 4 Mar 2010 09:52:36 -0500

Subject: city special call meeting

Dear Delegates;
As you may have read in the “Neighbors” section (page 6SW) of today’s (March 4, 2010) issue of The Miami Herald, there will be a Special Call meeting of the Homestead City Council on Tuesday, March 9, 2010, immediately following the 5:30 PM Committee of the Whole meeting. According to the newspaper article, representatives of Charter School USA (CS-USA) will appear at the Special Call meeting and some determination will be made by the members of our City Council regarding CS-USA’s proposed Charter High School . Please inform your residents of this Special Call meeting and encourage them to attend it.

However, if your residents are unable to attend the Special Call meeting, please urge them to contact all the members of the City Council in support of the High School by requesting those City Council members to “vote” in favor of the Charter Schools USA proposal for a Charter High School . In order to make such “contact” as easy as possible, I have attached a list of all the members of Homestead ’s City Council and their email addresses. In theory, a resident merely has to “click” on the email address, and an email format will (hopefully) be set up. In any case, all the email addresses are listed for the use and convenience of our fellow residents.

Thank you for your continued assistance, cooperation, and support in this matter, as well as for all your efforts on behalf of the residents you represent. Take care, and please continue to stay in touch.

Tim Craig


Anonymous said...

Hey Kevin,
Stick that in you hat and smoke it

Anonymous said...

with this school and all it's planning coming to be a reality like it is, I bet Lynda is peeved!
I told her, vote against these people and it will burn you in the end, and it did.

Anonymous said...

We won!!!

Anonymous said...

it aint over till the fat lady sings... well, at least lb lost some weight. maybe she has been training with stacy!!