Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Kevin Sullivan : A legend in his own mind

Posted by KG_Dreamer
Homestead is

The city now allows Non-City Residents to be appointed to the Planning and Zoning Board and Background Checks on nominees to City Committees have been rescinded. Kevin Sullivan, Homeowner of North Gate "calls out" the Council on these issues.

A. Allowing Non-City Residents to serve on P&Z is tantamount to allowing the fox to guard the hen house.

B. Forgoing background checks on nominees to City Committees sets the city up for embarrassment and possible liability should the nominee have a "checkered" past and the individual experience recidivism.

This Blog agrees with Mr. Sullivan on "calling out" the City Council on these "stupid" decisions.

Mr' Sullivan you are that blog, admit it!
Its a slow news week in Homestead so Kevin Sullivan The North Gate Delegate, thinks he will bully the Mayor and council. DO NOT BELIEVE ANYTHING HE SAYS, HE IS A LIAR!!! Kevin is so full of himself he can't stop being the total ass everyone knows he is. Kevin is the creator and majority of  the bloggers on the blog known as Homestead is Home. AKA -  KG_Dreamer  
For someone "claiming to have limited Computer knowledge" you seem to have mastered it very well. You broadcast on youtube, you contruibute and are the creator of a blog. KEVIN YOUR TELLING ON YOURSELF, SHUT UP AND GO AWAY!!! NO ONE NEEDS YOUR LIES!!!


Anonymous said...

It looks to me as if a former Mayor is scripting the comments by Mr Sullivan. As for the computer savvy, I say look no further than the man who did all of the nasty Youtube videos or Ms. Lobos a/k/a Homesteadhound on Youtube

North Gate home owner said...

Another point of deflection brought on By Kevin sullivan and Lynda Bell.

Who's board was it that had non homestead residents on it? Lynda's!

Lynda is guilty of that and records will prove it.

Kevin needs to tell Lady Bell to do her own dirty work, and stop waisting the Mayor and councils valuable time!

Anonymous said...

I wonder what it is they have on old Kev to make him do their dirty work . It must be good. He's must be an alcoholic, or a child molester, or maybe an ex con who is wanted for murder.