Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Crazy Cat lady tries to spread rummors about Homestead

Letter to the Editor In Response to the Three Page Story on Homestead in The Sunday, March 21st 2010 Edition of the Miami Herald:

I thank the Herald for its front page “above the fold” article in Sunday’s Herald regarding the shenanigans being conducted by the new Homestead City Council. It is a good first-step in exposing some of the spectacular debilitating actions of the new Council and for that,.we in Homestead, are grateful.

However, many key issues were omitted from the article.

What about Mayor Bateman’s city owned Ford Expedition accident;
Thats because there was no accident, You idiot! it was a blow out. If Mike She-hatta hadn't have trashed that suv while it was in his use, the body shop would not have had to do all those repairs. The only thing the blow out did was tear off the trim on the drivers side rear door.

The Campbell Drive no-bid landscaping contract, to an unlicensed landscape contractor;
That is not true, The contractor was licensed and if fell under the 25K rule. If you had any sense, which you do not, you'd know that anything under the 25k limit does not have to go up for bid by city council.

City Manager Sergio Purrinos’ love texts to and from his girlfriend Ali…so much more;
Those text messages do NOT exsist. Several city council members as well as Sergio have had the text feature removed from their phones. So that is impossible!

What about the gifting of the Sports Complex to Judy’s friend Johnathan Hage for $1 a year?
and if you did your home work miss kitty you'd know that Aventura, and  Coral Gables did the same thing, PLUS those cities gave up over 17 Million in Bonds to help pay for construction of their schools. CS-USA is footing the bill for our schools construction, (30 million). It cost 500K to maintain that property and now with CS-USA taking that under their hat, it will save the city of homestead 17.5 Million in the long run.  

She was the only council member who got a $1,000 donation from him.
Lynda Bell, and Nazy Seira recieved $1000 donation each from Waterstone, and I guess thats okay because they lost.

Jon Hage was also in Purrinos' camp while he was at Doral;
Jon Hage built a school in Doral, Purrinos' was city manager, what about it???

Councilman Rev. Jimmy Williams III used his church van to advertise his candidacy. There are pictures! What happened to separation of Church and State?
How stupid are you crazy cat lady? Church and state is a law that pertains to schools and prayer. Who cares if you got a picture, horay! you can use a camera. and they say cats don't have thumbs. FYI Jimmy's church donated the use of the van, which is not illega.
Is that all you got?

With the exception of Robert Landen, the immediate firing of several Hispanics, two Muslim. and women and minorities only. Check it out, it is the truth.
This town is full of minorities, overflowing actually. But what you fail to recognise that in your onesided rant, is that not all Muslims, women or hispanics were fired, just the ones who had done wrong. Who cares what race they are, if you break the rules, you get fired!
       That one Muslim your refering to was a sexual pervert who looked at porn on his city computer while on city time and who also promoted another Muslim (who was married) just because she was willing to have sex with him. Then that Muslin gave the other Muslin a 95k raise because of it. It sounds like they both need to be fired to me no matter what color, race or religion! How about them facts!

Why no mention of the number of people who all have lawyers, most likely to sue the City of Homestead? When this is over, Homestead will be bankrupt due to this City Council's errors and actions. The only saving grace will be to watch the perp walks.
What people, what lawyers? oh you mean the lawyers we are going to retain for the slander that Homestead is home is responsible for? yea you should be worried about that. But as for the city of Homestead the number of lawsuits have actually dropped sense Lynda was run out of office, another fact that you can check out at the city clerks office.

The perennial victim Vice-Mayor Judy Waldman, provided the illegal transcripts to Tania and other members of the press. She gave them only what she wanted them to have. It’s clearly on the cd! Your reporter should have objectively interviewed everybody concerned on every issue and not just rely on Judy Waldman who will only give you what she wants you to print and the part of the story that she wants in the press.
All of it is public record, So stop with the conspiracy theorys . They asked for the info and recieved ALL the info. Your just mad because they didn't fudge the facts like you wanted them to.

On the cd the new manager was heard talking to his prospective girl friend Ali, and some of the messages were made while sitting at the dais during a council meeting, “…I’m sure there is plenty of things u could teach me about being single again…let’s get together soon to have our first lesson.” Then there was this at a council meeting “…Great!!! I'm at a city council meeting... I expect it to be over in about one hour and I'll go there to meet you... Can't wait to see you...” Nice way to conduct the people’s business in the City of Homestead. That never happened and you know it. If it did than where is this "CD"? cause if it exsisted Angel Lazo would have broadcasted it from the FP&L speaker system by now.

 Speaking of business, the Mayor Steve Bateman has an F rating from the BBB. Why isn't that part of the story?
Because he doesn't have an "F" rating, and the reporters can't report something they can't confirm, duh?

The people of Homestead suffered under the collective leadership of the 2001-2007 councils. Does this council not understand that the only reason they slithered into office was because they were willing to bow to the will of those who set out to buy the City?
No, you've got that all wrong. We elected these people because we wanted change!
But I will agree with you on one thing, Lynda did slithered into office.

These people who could not live with a council whose only fault was their transparency, integrity and professionalism, so they went to the lowest common denominator, Mayor Bateman and Vice Mayor Waldman, with open wallets and the City ends up with a group of unqualified dunces who have no idea how much damage they are causing to the City that we all are supposed to call home.

May I remind you that eveyone has to start somewhere. Even Lynda Bell had no experience at one time, but she got elected anyway. We the citizens of Homestead wanted change. We wanted to get rid of the Good'ol system, and to do that we went with fresh faces eager to do a great job for our city. The damage to our city was already done by the dictator herself, and now Bateman and council have a lot of work ahead of themselves to clean up the coruption that once took our city hostage.

The only saving grace is that the United States of America operates by the rule of law, as does Florida and I humbly suggest that the State grand jury being seated by Governor Charlie Crist, with the charge of looking into the decay of Florida caused by insurmountable corruption first visit the City of Homestead for a spectacular glance of corruption and nothingness, an empty, rotting vacuum of what used to be an emerging City of relevance.
This city is in good hands, don't you worry. If anything you just said was true, Ol' Charlie would be knockin down that door, but he's not! Because what nothing you have said here is Fact. The state of Florida does not rely on the rumor mill.
We un-elected the corruption and nothingness, the empty, rotting vacuum of what used to be an emerging City of relevance. Now it is a city of hope! Now we will have a chance! our children will prosper!

The People of Homestead don't believe your lies, We know Bateman to be a good Man and we have faith that he, Judy and our council have our best interest at heart. That is why we elected him Mayor. Get over it crazy cat lady Lynda LOST!

By Catty Girl Who Loves the Homestead Is Home Blog Which Tells the Truth to the Citizens of Homestead
Rebuttle By GND who hates Homestead is Home Blog because they Lie to the citizens of Homestead.
Written by a cat, hu, funny as if a cat would care.

1 comment:

Hello Kitty said...

Nice cat! Can I play with the kitty? LOL! GND Tell it like is is girlfriend! We the citizens of Homestead know the real truth!