A new organization is helping young Homestead residents get involved in the community.
A new organization is recruiting young people interested in social and business networking in Homestead.
The founders of Homestead Young Professionals, Dimitry and Elaine Sandler, have found a way to help Homestead's young professionals get involved in philanthropy, education and networking.
Homestead maintains a unique ``small-town'' atmosphere, but the city has grown quickly in recent years, Elaine Sandler said.
The city's population is now about 50,000, up almost 50 percent from 2000, according to the latest Census estimates. The increase includes 6,700 new residents between the ages of 20 and 44.
``We started HYP because we found that many of the current organizations in Homestead were comprised of the same group of people: older and with few new opportunities to get involved,'' Elaine Sandler said. ``We wanted to bring a fresh outlook and get the opinions and involvement of the new, younger population.''
HYP targets men and women between the ages 21-45. Members 30 and above pay an annual donation of $100; members 29 and younger pay $50. So far, the group has 25 members.
Sandler says the fees paid by group members are saved for operating costs such as mailing, photocopies and printing.
The husband and wife's latest projects included a three-week collection for Haiti. Locals and group volunteers filled a semi-tractor trailer with non-perishable food, medical supplies and clothing, They also participated in Walk Now For Autism, a fundraiser on Key Biscayne where the group raised nearly $1,000.
Every month, HYP members meet at a bars or restaurants to discuss an ``action-plan'' on how to implement the goals of the group.
``We plan to rotate on a monthly basis to local businesses,'' she said. ``This will not only provide a variety for meeting places for us, but it will highlight the local businesses and encourage business for them.''
The Sandlers are still working out the kinks as they try to gain resources and maintain the new organization's website.
HYP's website is completely functional but has yet to include a blog feature, mission statement and goals as they await approval from the executive board/steering committee, Elaine Sandler said.
So far, contributors include Iron Tree Trucking, which donated the semi-tractor trailer for HYP's Haiti Relief efforts, and assistance from Homestead Mayor Steve Bateman, who serves as the team's advisor.
``As the group develops, we hope that resources will come from the membership and their contacts. Many of our members have special talents and business affiliations that will complement our organization,'' Elaine said.
A group member and friend of the Sandlers, Margaret Boyett, says people outside South Miami-Dade are not aware of how prominent Homestead is becoming. ``I don't think people realize how big it really is,'' said the 42-year-old paralegal. ``We now have BB&T (Branch Banking and Trust) and we have a lot going on with FPL. Large entities like these bring employment and bring in the younger generation.''
Homestead is the second-oldest city in Miami-Dade County as it was first established in 1898, but it wasn't until 1904 when the city literally became fruitful with the help of tycoon Henry Flagler. The developer extended the railroad from Key West to Miami, enabling farmers to transport fruits and vegetables throughout South Florida. By 1913, the city of Homestead was incorporated.
650 NE 22nd Terrace, Homestead, FL 33033
Homestead Young Professionals on Facebook
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Crazy Cat lady tries to spread rummors about Homestead
Letter to the Editor In Response to the Three Page Story on Homestead in The Sunday, March 21st 2010 Edition of the Miami Herald:
I thank the Herald for its front page “above the fold” article in Sunday’s Herald regarding the shenanigans being conducted by the new Homestead City Council. It is a good first-step in exposing some of the spectacular debilitating actions of the new Council and for that,.we in Homestead, are grateful.
However, many key issues were omitted from the article.
What about Mayor Bateman’s city owned Ford Expedition accident;
Thats because there was no accident, You idiot! it was a blow out. If Mike She-hatta hadn't have trashed that suv while it was in his use, the body shop would not have had to do all those repairs. The only thing the blow out did was tear off the trim on the drivers side rear door.
The Campbell Drive no-bid landscaping contract, to an unlicensed landscape contractor;
That is not true, The contractor was licensed and if fell under the 25K rule. If you had any sense, which you do not, you'd know that anything under the 25k limit does not have to go up for bid by city council.
City Manager Sergio Purrinos’ love texts to and from his girlfriend Ali…so much more;
Those text messages do NOT exsist. Several city council members as well as Sergio have had the text feature removed from their phones. So that is impossible!
What about the gifting of the Sports Complex to Judy’s friend Johnathan Hage for $1 a year?
and if you did your home work miss kitty you'd know that Aventura, and Coral Gables did the same thing, PLUS those cities gave up over 17 Million in Bonds to help pay for construction of their schools. CS-USA is footing the bill for our schools construction, (30 million). It cost 500K to maintain that property and now with CS-USA taking that under their hat, it will save the city of homestead 17.5 Million in the long run.
She was the only council member who got a $1,000 donation from him.
Lynda Bell, and Nazy Seira recieved $1000 donation each from Waterstone, and I guess thats okay because they lost.
Jon Hage was also in Purrinos' camp while he was at Doral;
Jon Hage built a school in Doral, Purrinos' was city manager, what about it???
Councilman Rev. Jimmy Williams III used his church van to advertise his candidacy. There are pictures! What happened to separation of Church and State?
How stupid are you crazy cat lady? Church and state is a law that pertains to schools and prayer. Who cares if you got a picture, horay! you can use a camera. and they say cats don't have thumbs. FYI Jimmy's church donated the use of the van, which is not illega.
Is that all you got?
With the exception of Robert Landen, the immediate firing of several Hispanics, two Muslim. and women and minorities only. Check it out, it is the truth.
This town is full of minorities, overflowing actually. But what you fail to recognise that in your onesided rant, is that not all Muslims, women or hispanics were fired, just the ones who had done wrong. Who cares what race they are, if you break the rules, you get fired!
That one Muslim your refering to was a sexual pervert who looked at porn on his city computer while on city time and who also promoted another Muslim (who was married) just because she was willing to have sex with him. Then that Muslin gave the other Muslin a 95k raise because of it. It sounds like they both need to be fired to me no matter what color, race or religion! How about them facts!
Why no mention of the number of people who all have lawyers, most likely to sue the City of Homestead? When this is over, Homestead will be bankrupt due to this City Council's errors and actions. The only saving grace will be to watch the perp walks.
What people, what lawyers? oh you mean the lawyers we are going to retain for the slander that Homestead is home is responsible for? yea you should be worried about that. But as for the city of Homestead the number of lawsuits have actually dropped sense Lynda was run out of office, another fact that you can check out at the city clerks office.
The perennial victim Vice-Mayor Judy Waldman, provided the illegal transcripts to Tania and other members of the press. She gave them only what she wanted them to have. It’s clearly on the cd! Your reporter should have objectively interviewed everybody concerned on every issue and not just rely on Judy Waldman who will only give you what she wants you to print and the part of the story that she wants in the press.
All of it is public record, So stop with the conspiracy theorys . They asked for the info and recieved ALL the info. Your just mad because they didn't fudge the facts like you wanted them to.
On the cd the new manager was heard talking to his prospective girl friend Ali, and some of the messages were made while sitting at the dais during a council meeting, “…I’m sure there is plenty of things u could teach me about being single again…let’s get together soon to have our first lesson.” Then there was this at a council meeting “…Great!!! I'm at a city council meeting... I expect it to be over in about one hour and I'll go there to meet you... Can't wait to see you...” Nice way to conduct the people’s business in the City of Homestead. That never happened and you know it. If it did than where is this "CD"? cause if it exsisted Angel Lazo would have broadcasted it from the FP&L speaker system by now.
Speaking of business, the Mayor Steve Bateman has an F rating from the BBB. Why isn't that part of the story?
Because he doesn't have an "F" rating, and the reporters can't report something they can't confirm, duh?
The people of Homestead suffered under the collective leadership of the 2001-2007 councils. Does this council not understand that the only reason they slithered into office was because they were willing to bow to the will of those who set out to buy the City?
No, you've got that all wrong. We elected these people because we wanted change!
But I will agree with you on one thing, Lynda did slithered into office.
These people who could not live with a council whose only fault was their transparency, integrity and professionalism, so they went to the lowest common denominator, Mayor Bateman and Vice Mayor Waldman, with open wallets and the City ends up with a group of unqualified dunces who have no idea how much damage they are causing to the City that we all are supposed to call home.
May I remind you that eveyone has to start somewhere. Even Lynda Bell had no experience at one time, but she got elected anyway. We the citizens of Homestead wanted change. We wanted to get rid of the Good'ol system, and to do that we went with fresh faces eager to do a great job for our city. The damage to our city was already done by the dictator herself, and now Bateman and council have a lot of work ahead of themselves to clean up the coruption that once took our city hostage.
The only saving grace is that the United States of America operates by the rule of law, as does Florida and I humbly suggest that the State grand jury being seated by Governor Charlie Crist, with the charge of looking into the decay of Florida caused by insurmountable corruption first visit the City of Homestead for a spectacular glance of corruption and nothingness, an empty, rotting vacuum of what used to be an emerging City of relevance.
This city is in good hands, don't you worry. If anything you just said was true, Ol' Charlie would be knockin down that door, but he's not! Because what nothing you have said here is Fact. The state of Florida does not rely on the rumor mill.
We un-elected the corruption and nothingness, the empty, rotting vacuum of what used to be an emerging City of relevance. Now it is a city of hope! Now we will have a chance! our children will prosper!
The People of Homestead don't believe your lies, We know Bateman to be a good Man and we have faith that he, Judy and our council have our best interest at heart. That is why we elected him Mayor. Get over it crazy cat lady Lynda LOST!
By Catty Girl Who Loves the Homestead Is Home Blog Which Tells the Truth to the Citizens of Homestead
Rebuttle By GND who hates Homestead is Home Blog because they Lie to the citizens of Homestead.
Written by a cat, hu, funny as if a cat would care.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Lynda Bell thinks she is ready for the BIG TIME!
The former Mayor of Homestead Lynda Bell has now put her hat into the ring for the district 8 county seat in Miami. Another blog asked this question that I found to be interesting, "Lynda, if you were not able to win your Re- election bid as mayor with only 41% of the vote, how is it you think that you stand a chance in the district? That I would love to know.
In the comming days and weeks I will be all over this story like white on rice. I want the public to know ALL the dirty little secrets of the Bell family.
I wonder if this bid for public office again will be to get the charges dropped against her daughter who faces 10 years in prison for a felony charge for aggravated assault. Jenna Bell Maldanodo a police officer with the Homestead PD was booked earily last month. No trial date has been set as of yet.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Another Homestead local seeking public office
Friday, March 12, 2010
New: In the Running for County Commission District 2 and 8 Seats.
By Geniusofdespair
Jason Culler of Homestead is the 5th person running for the Katy Sorenson seat. Oddly he has a campaign facebook page without a picture of himself heading it. This might be him in the photo at left. Damn, I missed his kick-off barbecue on March 5th. People on his "Friends" list include mega land owner Richard Alger, Steve Sapp (ran against Katy), Mary C. Foote (realtor) and Chuck Kitchen (might be singles ministry of the the Faith Church of the Redlands??). Culler's Treasurer is Dixie Lee Lofton.
Rolle has another challenger in County Commission District 2: Jean Monestime (picture right) who ran for North Miami Mayor and lost to Kevin Burns. Much better than Joe Celestin, who is vying for the seat. Is there room for two Haitians in this race? No. Get out of the race Joe, give Monestime a chance. Also, Darryl Reaves has jumped into the District 2 School Board race. I have nothing good to say about that.
New: In the Running for County Commission District 2 and 8 Seats.
By Geniusofdespair
Jason Culler of Homestead is the 5th person running for the Katy Sorenson seat. Oddly he has a campaign facebook page without a picture of himself heading it. This might be him in the photo at left. Damn, I missed his kick-off barbecue on March 5th. People on his "Friends" list include mega land owner Richard Alger, Steve Sapp (ran against Katy), Mary C. Foote (realtor) and Chuck Kitchen (might be singles ministry of the the Faith Church of the Redlands??). Culler's Treasurer is Dixie Lee Lofton.
Rolle has another challenger in County Commission District 2: Jean Monestime (picture right) who ran for North Miami Mayor and lost to Kevin Burns. Much better than Joe Celestin, who is vying for the seat. Is there room for two Haitians in this race? No. Get out of the race Joe, give Monestime a chance. Also, Darryl Reaves has jumped into the District 2 School Board race. I have nothing good to say about that.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
The Children of Homestead have won!
CS-USA Wins Lease
by Elgin Jones 03/05/10
HOMESTEAD CHARTER HIGH SCHOOL Charter Schools USA Inc. is seeking to build a charter high school on city-owned land in Homestead. Councilman Jimmie L. Williams is against the idea, but Councilwoman Judy Waldman supports it. Residents such as retired educator Jim Tranthem oppose it.
The proposed, privately owned school would be built at the Homestead Sports Complex site, which would be leased to the company for $1 over several decades.
It will enroll 1,800 students from around Miami-Dade County, and Tranthem says other locations are more suitable. Williams says it is a bad deal, and that the city would get nothing in return.
Supporters insist that it will bring quality education to the city, and ease overcrowding. City Council members will make the final decision, but the issue has been tabled several times. Yet, this fight is heating up. The end.
Very predictable, Shelley recuses himself and Williams leaves early so his promised NO vote is not on the record. Can't upset the supporters and vote on principle, that's not what he was elected to do. The Wizard of Oz Lion has more courage than this group. Had Williams stuck around to vote and made a statement that he is not going to be ignored, it would have failed. Just another empty suit. Whatever Elgin...
The girl next door said: 03/09/10
Patrisha McCornmick, aka "China doll" made an appearance at the meeting, She was the last to speak during public comments. Ms. McCormick stated that she was a proud product of Homestead High and bragged about all her accomplishments paid for one lap dance at a time. She failed to mention that she was a former stripper at the Pink Palace. She also failed to mention how she and Jenna Bell threatened to attack one of the Keys gate parents in front of her child the evening of the KGCS debate.
Jim Tranthem as usual was being a puppet for Steve Losner. Jim was given a two paged typed letter by Steve of what to say, prior to the meeting comming to order. Steve was way too much of a chicken to do it himself.
You would think that Losner would support the very school that educates his own children. Ironic, Hu?
One of the Keys Gate parents stated that "if you refused to allow the charter high school to be built, you might as well take that ballpark and build a prison, because your going to need it" That I agree with.
Mr. Shelley's wife is on the Keys Gate Charter board, it was a conflict of interest, he had to recuse himself.
Jimmy had bible study. It is Jimmy's right to vote no. You can't fault him for trying to save this city from what he believes to be a financial hardship. I thought Jimmy was on board with the idea, seeing that a good portion of the children in his district go to keys gate. The sw kids are 9 times more likely to drop out of school. They need ever bit of an advantage that we can give them.
by Elgin Jones 03/05/10
HOMESTEAD CHARTER HIGH SCHOOL Charter Schools USA Inc. is seeking to build a charter high school on city-owned land in Homestead. Councilman Jimmie L. Williams is against the idea, but Councilwoman Judy Waldman supports it. Residents such as retired educator Jim Tranthem oppose it.
The proposed, privately owned school would be built at the Homestead Sports Complex site, which would be leased to the company for $1 over several decades.
It will enroll 1,800 students from around Miami-Dade County, and Tranthem says other locations are more suitable. Williams says it is a bad deal, and that the city would get nothing in return.
Supporters insist that it will bring quality education to the city, and ease overcrowding. City Council members will make the final decision, but the issue has been tabled several times. Yet, this fight is heating up. The end.
Very predictable, Shelley recuses himself and Williams leaves early so his promised NO vote is not on the record. Can't upset the supporters and vote on principle, that's not what he was elected to do. The Wizard of Oz Lion has more courage than this group. Had Williams stuck around to vote and made a statement that he is not going to be ignored, it would have failed. Just another empty suit. Whatever Elgin...
The girl next door said: 03/09/10
Patrisha McCornmick, aka "China doll" made an appearance at the meeting, She was the last to speak during public comments. Ms. McCormick stated that she was a proud product of Homestead High and bragged about all her accomplishments paid for one lap dance at a time. She failed to mention that she was a former stripper at the Pink Palace. She also failed to mention how she and Jenna Bell threatened to attack one of the Keys gate parents in front of her child the evening of the KGCS debate.
Jim Tranthem as usual was being a puppet for Steve Losner. Jim was given a two paged typed letter by Steve of what to say, prior to the meeting comming to order. Steve was way too much of a chicken to do it himself.
You would think that Losner would support the very school that educates his own children. Ironic, Hu?
One of the Keys Gate parents stated that "if you refused to allow the charter high school to be built, you might as well take that ballpark and build a prison, because your going to need it" That I agree with.
Mr. Shelley's wife is on the Keys Gate Charter board, it was a conflict of interest, he had to recuse himself.
Jimmy had bible study. It is Jimmy's right to vote no. You can't fault him for trying to save this city from what he believes to be a financial hardship. I thought Jimmy was on board with the idea, seeing that a good portion of the children in his district go to keys gate. The sw kids are 9 times more likely to drop out of school. They need ever bit of an advantage that we can give them.
I believe that because of this high school, the city of Homestead will bounce back. Famlies will buy the realestate, property taxes will start being paid. Businesses will flourish.
I thank you Homestead City council. You did an excellent thing today. Bravo!!!
Monday, March 8, 2010
So did anyone attend the CS-USA meeting at Keys Gate?
We would appreciate your comments on this issue.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Thursday, March 4, 2010
All Key's Gate Delegates approve of CS-USA!!!
From: "William Thibault" williamthibault@keyes.com
Date: Thu, 4 Mar 2010 09:52:36 -0500
Subject: city special call meeting
Dear Delegates;
As you may have read in the “Neighbors” section (page 6SW) of today’s (March 4, 2010) issue of The Miami Herald, there will be a Special Call meeting of the Homestead City Council on Tuesday, March 9, 2010, immediately following the 5:30 PM Committee of the Whole meeting. According to the newspaper article, representatives of Charter School USA (CS-USA) will appear at the Special Call meeting and some determination will be made by the members of our City Council regarding CS-USA’s proposed Charter High School . Please inform your residents of this Special Call meeting and encourage them to attend it.
However, if your residents are unable to attend the Special Call meeting, please urge them to contact all the members of the City Council in support of the High School by requesting those City Council members to “vote” in favor of the Charter Schools USA proposal for a Charter High School . In order to make such “contact” as easy as possible, I have attached a list of all the members of Homestead ’s City Council and their email addresses. In theory, a resident merely has to “click” on the email address, and an email format will (hopefully) be set up. In any case, all the email addresses are listed for the use and convenience of our fellow residents.
Thank you for your continued assistance, cooperation, and support in this matter, as well as for all your efforts on behalf of the residents you represent. Take care, and please continue to stay in touch.
Tim Craig
Date: Thu, 4 Mar 2010 09:52:36 -0500
Subject: city special call meeting
Dear Delegates;
As you may have read in the “Neighbors” section (page 6SW) of today’s (March 4, 2010) issue of The Miami Herald, there will be a Special Call meeting of the Homestead City Council on Tuesday, March 9, 2010, immediately following the 5:30 PM Committee of the Whole meeting. According to the newspaper article, representatives of Charter School USA (CS-USA) will appear at the Special Call meeting and some determination will be made by the members of our City Council regarding CS-USA’s proposed Charter High School . Please inform your residents of this Special Call meeting and encourage them to attend it.
However, if your residents are unable to attend the Special Call meeting, please urge them to contact all the members of the City Council in support of the High School by requesting those City Council members to “vote” in favor of the Charter Schools USA proposal for a Charter High School . In order to make such “contact” as easy as possible, I have attached a list of all the members of Homestead ’s City Council and their email addresses. In theory, a resident merely has to “click” on the email address, and an email format will (hopefully) be set up. In any case, all the email addresses are listed for the use and convenience of our fellow residents.
Thank you for your continued assistance, cooperation, and support in this matter, as well as for all your efforts on behalf of the residents you represent. Take care, and please continue to stay in touch.
Tim Craig
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Miami-Dade grand jury indicts Spence-Jones on new criminal charges
A Miami-Dade grand jury Wednesday indicted suspended Miami Commissioner Michelle Spence-Jones on charges that she asked for and received a $25,000 bribe from a prominent Miami developer whose project was awaiting a vote by the commission, prosecutors said.
The bribery indictment comes as a civil court judge is mulling whether Gov. Charlie Crist had the authority to suspend Spence-Jones twice after she was arrested in November on a separate grand theft charge.
The latest criminal case stems from her first year in office representing Liberty City and Overtown.
In early 2006, prosecutors allege, Spence-Jones solicited $25,000 from Miami developer Armando Codina, whose company was seeking the commission's blessing to rename a portion of Southeast Second Avenue in downtown as ``Brickell Avenue.'' That would have boosted marketing of the massive Met condominium project near the Miami River.
Codina paid $12,500 to a nonprofit organization later created by Spence-Jones, prosecutors say.
Reached by cell phone Wednesday, Spence-Jones denied soliticing a bribe from Codina and called the indictment ``a joke.''
Codina's company was handling leasing for the Met project. Prosecutors say Ricardo Glas, of MDM Hotel Group, the project's main builder, also gave her $12,500.
Spence-Jones never got the chance to vote on the plan. It was pulled after city planners realized that only the Florida Legislature had the authority to rename the state road.
The embattled politician was first arrested in November, one day after she was sworn in for a second elected term. On Wednesday, Spence-Jones was also indicted on the original charge.
Prosecutors alleged that in late 2005, when she was a Miami mayoral aide, Spence-Jones illegally redirected $50,000 in county grant money to a family business. She has pleaded not guilty.
After she turned herself in, Crist suspended Spence-Jones and a special election was held in January. Voters reelected her -- prompting Crist to suspend her again.
But Spence-Jones is fighting the suspension in court, arguing the law does not allow the governor to trump the will of the voters.
Last week, Circuit Judge Victoria Platzer said she doesn't believe Crist had the right to suspend Spence-Jones under state law because ``she was charged by information, she was not indicted.''
Spence-Jones said the timing of the indictment was obviously linked to Platzer's statement. ``Even a blind man can see the timinig on this is crazy,'' she said.
An information is a criminal charge filed by prosecutors, as opposed to returned by a grand jury. Platzer was expected to rule next week, but the issue could be readdressed in light of Wednesday's indictment.
A Miami-Dade grand jury Wednesday indicted suspended Miami Commissioner Michelle Spence-Jones on charges that she asked for and received a $25,000 bribe from a prominent Miami developer whose project was awaiting a vote by the commission, prosecutors said.
The bribery indictment comes as a civil court judge is mulling whether Gov. Charlie Crist had the authority to suspend Spence-Jones twice after she was arrested in November on a separate grand theft charge.
The latest criminal case stems from her first year in office representing Liberty City and Overtown.
In early 2006, prosecutors allege, Spence-Jones solicited $25,000 from Miami developer Armando Codina, whose company was seeking the commission's blessing to rename a portion of Southeast Second Avenue in downtown as ``Brickell Avenue.'' That would have boosted marketing of the massive Met condominium project near the Miami River.
Codina paid $12,500 to a nonprofit organization later created by Spence-Jones, prosecutors say.
Reached by cell phone Wednesday, Spence-Jones denied soliticing a bribe from Codina and called the indictment ``a joke.''
Codina's company was handling leasing for the Met project. Prosecutors say Ricardo Glas, of MDM Hotel Group, the project's main builder, also gave her $12,500.
Spence-Jones never got the chance to vote on the plan. It was pulled after city planners realized that only the Florida Legislature had the authority to rename the state road.
The embattled politician was first arrested in November, one day after she was sworn in for a second elected term. On Wednesday, Spence-Jones was also indicted on the original charge.
Prosecutors alleged that in late 2005, when she was a Miami mayoral aide, Spence-Jones illegally redirected $50,000 in county grant money to a family business. She has pleaded not guilty.
After she turned herself in, Crist suspended Spence-Jones and a special election was held in January. Voters reelected her -- prompting Crist to suspend her again.
But Spence-Jones is fighting the suspension in court, arguing the law does not allow the governor to trump the will of the voters.
Last week, Circuit Judge Victoria Platzer said she doesn't believe Crist had the right to suspend Spence-Jones under state law because ``she was charged by information, she was not indicted.''
Spence-Jones said the timing of the indictment was obviously linked to Platzer's statement. ``Even a blind man can see the timinig on this is crazy,'' she said.
An information is a criminal charge filed by prosecutors, as opposed to returned by a grand jury. Platzer was expected to rule next week, but the issue could be readdressed in light of Wednesday's indictment.
Kevin Sullivan : A legend in his own mind
Posted by KG_Dreamer
Homestead is home.org
The city now allows Non-City Residents to be appointed to the Planning and Zoning Board and Background Checks on nominees to City Committees have been rescinded. Kevin Sullivan, Homeowner of North Gate "calls out" the Council on these issues.
A. Allowing Non-City Residents to serve on P&Z is tantamount to allowing the fox to guard the hen house.
B. Forgoing background checks on nominees to City Committees sets the city up for embarrassment and possible liability should the nominee have a "checkered" past and the individual experience recidivism.
This Blog agrees with Mr. Sullivan on "calling out" the City Council on these "stupid" decisions.
Mr' Sullivan you are that blog, admit it!
Its a slow news week in Homestead so Kevin Sullivan The North Gate Delegate, thinks he will bully the Mayor and council. DO NOT BELIEVE ANYTHING HE SAYS, HE IS A LIAR!!! Kevin is so full of himself he can't stop being the total ass everyone knows he is. Kevin is the creator and majority of the bloggers on the blog known as Homestead is Home. AKA - KG_Dreamer
For someone "claiming to have limited Computer knowledge" you seem to have mastered it very well. You broadcast on youtube, you contruibute and are the creator of a blog. KEVIN YOUR TELLING ON YOURSELF, SHUT UP AND GO AWAY!!! NO ONE NEEDS YOUR LIES!!!
Homestead is home.org
The city now allows Non-City Residents to be appointed to the Planning and Zoning Board and Background Checks on nominees to City Committees have been rescinded. Kevin Sullivan, Homeowner of North Gate "calls out" the Council on these issues.
A. Allowing Non-City Residents to serve on P&Z is tantamount to allowing the fox to guard the hen house.
B. Forgoing background checks on nominees to City Committees sets the city up for embarrassment and possible liability should the nominee have a "checkered" past and the individual experience recidivism.
This Blog agrees with Mr. Sullivan on "calling out" the City Council on these "stupid" decisions.
Mr' Sullivan you are that blog, admit it!
Its a slow news week in Homestead so Kevin Sullivan The North Gate Delegate, thinks he will bully the Mayor and council. DO NOT BELIEVE ANYTHING HE SAYS, HE IS A LIAR!!! Kevin is so full of himself he can't stop being the total ass everyone knows he is. Kevin is the creator and majority of the bloggers on the blog known as Homestead is Home. AKA - KG_Dreamer
For someone "claiming to have limited Computer knowledge" you seem to have mastered it very well. You broadcast on youtube, you contruibute and are the creator of a blog. KEVIN YOUR TELLING ON YOURSELF, SHUT UP AND GO AWAY!!! NO ONE NEEDS YOUR LIES!!!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Charter High School presentation
Another presentation for the charter high school will be made on Monday, March 8, 2010, at 6:30 PM, in the cafeteria of the Keys Gate Charter School. Keys Gate Charter School is located at the corner of Palm Drive and Kingman Road , across from the “Sports Complex”.
I hope to see everyone there, Especially you Mr. Kevin Sullivan sence you like to make up your own truth instead of finding out the real one.
I hope to see everyone there, Especially you Mr. Kevin Sullivan sence you like to make up your own truth instead of finding out the real one.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Homestead CRA : A tail of corruption and lies
Who's to blame for CRA
In light of the devastating City of Homestead CRA audit performed by Miami Dade County's Audit and Management Services Cathy Jackson, there have been no public comments by former Homestead Mayor Roscoe Warren. All of the activities cited occurred under his administration and were managed by Curt Ivy and Rick Stauts.
When the Homestead City Council Internal Auditor got too close to the CRA inner workings he was put on leave and subsequently fired by the Fab Five Council who voted for those same audit highlighted activities. As a matter of fact Rick Stauts was cited by the Ethics Commission for his wife having a business in the Carrie Meek Business Incubator. That was one of the Internal Auditor findings as well as Miami Dade's Audit and Management Services.
Submit a question and who knows maybe the minions will answer for the former Mayor, who certainly has no obligation to answer any inquiry. By the way, where is the media? Maybe they are both waiting for this CRA audit to blow over before any answers are forthcoming. $1.2 MM unaccounted for, that is the question we should all ask, how did it happen? Lynda Bell is what happened.
FYI At the time that all this fraud was taking place Mrs Holly than thou Lynda Bell was our vice Mayor. Why no mention of that? Why no inquries and media attention focusing on the corrupt doings of our former vice Mayor and mayor for what she and her friends did to our city? If she wasn't involved, Why didn't she blow the whistle, her being a born again christian and all that crap.
Curt Ivy was a paid employee at the time, who was Ivey to question the very people who could hire or fire him? When in that position you do your job and try not to piss off the boss. No one knew what Rossco was up to but Lynda and Rick. Everyone was fooled.
Another reason to vote YES for a Charter High School in Homestead
Homestead mom demands answers from school where daughter was beaten
Associated Press
A mother is demanding answers from South Dade Senior High School, where video shows her daughter being attacked by another student.
Lawanna Cooper told WSVN-Fox 7 her 17-year-old daughter was beaten by a classmate while other students watched on Feb. 9. The attack was caught on someone's cellphone video camera. The video shows other students laughing while they watched the beating.
Cooper says she asked officials at South Dade in Homestead about the attack and where school security was at the time. She said they didn't know.
A 16-year-old girl has been charged with felony battery and was suspended for 10 days.
The arrest report said the school's surveillance cameras also captured the beating.
Associated Press
A mother is demanding answers from South Dade Senior High School, where video shows her daughter being attacked by another student.
Lawanna Cooper told WSVN-Fox 7 her 17-year-old daughter was beaten by a classmate while other students watched on Feb. 9. The attack was caught on someone's cellphone video camera. The video shows other students laughing while they watched the beating.
Cooper says she asked officials at South Dade in Homestead about the attack and where school security was at the time. She said they didn't know.
A 16-year-old girl has been charged with felony battery and was suspended for 10 days.
The arrest report said the school's surveillance cameras also captured the beating.
Rumor Has it...
Rumor has it that former Mayor Lynda Bell has her little heart set on Katy Sorensons, Miami-Dade Commissioner's seat.
Could this be her website for her new campaign?
Lynda Bell
I have feeling we have not seen the last of this woman.
Could this be her website for her new campaign?
Lynda Bell
I have feeling we have not seen the last of this woman.
Omega Space Systems "What the other blog doesn't want you to know"

Mr. William Childers, CEO and Presedent of Omega Space Systems, proposes that his company will employ 600 local people in Homestead and around Florida with a starting anual payrol budget of 14,000,000.
Within five years the payrol budget will increasing to 37 million dollars per year.* Omega will strive to be a Zero Discharge facility!
•They pledge they will work with environmental interests to insure they meet all environmental concerns
•Omega will infuse the local community with a significant tax base
•Local businesses will profit from Omega employee business
•Omega will be active in local business and civic activates
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